As per our privacy policy, Marketplace Events is a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent, or sell any email lists.
The PA Home + Garden Show, in order to ensure a minimal footprint, does not print nor mail the Exhibitor Kit. All of the forms, links, and information you need is posted below.
Please note that this page is always being updated as new information becomes available.
1. General Information
2. Facility & Utility Services
3. Decorator Services
4. Move In & Move Out
5. Food Sampling
6. Parking
7. Booth Guidelines
8. Rules & Regulations
9. How to Set Up your Exhibitor Listing
10. Sales Tax
11. Social Media Tips
12. Ticket Information
13. Marketing Opportunities
14. Exhibitor Badges
15. Show Hotel
16. Show Insurance
17. Questions
18. Scam
Show Management
The PA Home + Garden Show is produced and managed by:
Marketplace Events
2000 Auburn Dr., Suite 200
Beachwood, OH 44122
484.854.9084 |
Show Facility
PA Farm Show Complex
2300 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
P: 717.787.5373
Morgan Firestone
Show Hours
Thursday, February 27 | 12:00pm - 8:00pm |
Friday, February 28 | 10:00am - 8:00pm |
Saturday, March 1 | 10:00am - 8:00pm |
Sunday, March 2 | 10:00am - 6:00pm |
Show PR Agency
Elise Brown
Show Office
During move-in, show hours and move-out, Show Management will maintain a show office in the PA Farm Show Complex. The office is located in the area between the Main Hall and the North Hall, next to the Security Office.
Exhibitor Entrances During Show Hours
During show hours, exhibitors will use the Maclay Street entrance of the PA Farm Show Complex. An exhibitor badge will be required to bypass the ticket scanners.
All loading dock doors will be closed and there will be no access granted during show hours. If you need to restock your booth with supplies, please do it one hour before the show opens. Security is permitted to stop any Exhibitor from entering or exiting through the side entrances or loading dock doors. There is no smoking allowed inside the building.
Final Payments
Full and final payment for exhibit space must be made by 1/15/2025. Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any exhibitor whose account has not been settled and paid in full.
If you have signed and authorized Marketplace Events to automatically charge your card on your original contract, please make sure funds are available in the proper time frame. If you have any questions regarding payment processes, please contact Maddie Rice at Any contracts that are outstanding after the show cycle is completed will automatically be sent to collections and the exhibitor will still be responsible to pay off the booth space and will not be allowed to exhibit in any future shows with Marketplace Events.
Security is provided by Marketplace Events’ vendors. The guards will be on duty 24 hours each day during the show. Every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect exhibitors’ property, but Show Management assumes no responsibility for any losses due to fire, theft, robbery, damage, accident, or other causes.
- Do not leave your booth unattended during set-up, show, or move-out
- Do not leave small items, electronics, one-of-a-kind special samples, prototypes, generated leads, or extremely valuable merchandise in your booth overnight.
Exhibitor Services
PA Farm Show Complex Services
In general, the following services are available to exhibitors at the Farm Show Complex. These services will have additional fees. Some services include the following:
- Multi-plug grounded power outlets
- Wireless internet access
- Catering services
- Concession access
Click Here for Wi-Fi Order Form
Electrical Service
Exhibitor is responsible for any additional electrical equipment needed, including extension cords. Pricing will increase after 2/2/2025:
- $200 if ordering after 2/2/2025
- $250 if ordering onsite (starting 2/24/2025)
Rates only cover service at the booth and do not include connecting equipment or special wiring.
ALL electric service for your booth must be ordered and paid for. The electricians make floor checks. If you are found using electricity you have not ordered and paid for, you will be charged the onsite rate.
Click Here for Electrical Order Form
General Exposition Order Services
General Exposition Services (GES) offers a wide range of services and rental equipment to help make your display a success. With features including online exhibitor service kits, installation and dismantle labor, custom graphics, and a dedicated customer service team, we will help make your show a success. General Exposition Services will assist exhibitors with:
Furniture & Accessories
Carpet Prices Carpet Color Options
Signage and Hardwall Displays
Booth Cleaning Services
Installation/Dismantle Labor
Freight Services
& More (see the service kit below)
Click Here to Order Decorator Services
Exhibit code: PAHOME25
Discount Deadline Date: February 10, 2025
General Exposition Services
205 Windsor Road / Limerick Business Center
Pottstown, PA 19464
Ph: 610-495-8866 / Fx: 610-495-8870
Email: / Website:
All exhibitors may move in to Exhibit Halls between the hours of 8:00am – 6:00pm. Drive in is only available on Tuesday, February 25th.
Please contact your salesperson if you need to discuss alternate move-in/out arrangements.
Tuesday, February 25 DRIVE IN | 8:00am - 6:00pm |
Wednesday, February 26 HAND CARRY/CART ONLY - NO DRIVE IN! | 8:00am - 6:00pm |
*For safety reasons, no one under the age of 16 is permitted in the halls or dock area during move-in/out.
YOU MUST BE COMPLETELY SET UP BY 6PM ON WEDNESDAY. If you have to move in on Thursday, please get approval from show manager or sales rep. MOVE IN ON THURSDAY IS HAND CARRY/CART ONLY!
Sunday, March 2 | 6:00pm - 10:00pm |
Monday, March 3 | 8:00am - noon |
You may begin breaking down your booth immediately following the close of the show.
Please review prior to the show to ensure you are following the building guidelines for sampling and selling.
Alcohol Sales Requirements:
- Only alcohol sales intended for off-premise consumption may be considered.
- Vendors must carry and display the appropriate PA LCB license.
- Rules associated with the license must be followed.
- No single-serving sizes are permitted.
- Containers for off-premise consumption must be at least 750ml or 1.5 Liters ONLY
Food Or Consumable Items
- All consumable food items must be packaged for off-premise consumption.
- Packages must contain no less than 6 adult servings with items wrapped collectively not individually.
- Pies, cakes, and breads, must be full size. No minis or partials permitted.
- Items prohibited without prior written approval: Soft Pretzels -- Nuts -- Popcorn -- Beverages -- Cookies -- Whoopee Pies
Parking passes had to be ordered by 1/27/2025
The passes will be available to pick up at the Show Office during your move-in. The venue will not be charging for parking during the days of move in.
Please review exhibitor parking map below. We will be sharing the building with the Horse World Expo again this year so we want to ensure you park in these locations to allow for maximum attendee parking.

Please use Elmerton Lot (map below) to park trailers. There is no fee to park in this lot. If trailer is needed onsite, please contact show team.
Click Here for Trailer Parking Map
Overnight Camper Hook Up Information (arranged through the venue)
- 130-30 AMP Camper Electric Services
- 270-20 AMP Camper Electric Services
See Parking Lot Security Personnel prior to hooking up any camper – contact (717) 231-6565
BASIC FEE: $40 plus $55 per electric (includes 4 parking spaces) = $95 1st day, $40 each additional day.
If camper requires more than four parking spaces, additional parking spaces can be purchased for $15 per space per day. NO WATER, NO DUMPING FACILITIES
Booth Expectations
Exhibit booths will have an 8' draped back wall. On each side, a draped side rail will extend from the back of the booth to the front of the booth at a height of 32". The drape color is black. Tables, chairs, electricity etc. are not included with the cost of your exhibit booth. If you need to order booth materials, you can purchase them directly through General Exposition Services. If you need electricity, complete the order form on our website HERE.
Flooring is not included in the cost of your exhibit booth. It is mandatory that all booths are carpeted or have some type of clean, professional-looking floor covering that covers 100% of the booth’s square footage. All edges must be secured. You may bring your own or rent from General Exposition Services. You can also consider interlocking foam tiles as a neat, but inexpensive flooring option.
- All flooring must be neat and clean
- No frayed edges are allowed
- All edges of a carpet must be taped down – double sided tape is acceptable
- Duct tape is not allowed to secure the flooring. Any exhibitor leaving tape remnants will be charged a fee for cleanup.
- You must return The PA Farm Show Complex floor to its original condition – Fees will be charged for damages
Table Skirting
It is mandatory that all tables are properly skirted. Skirting must go from the edge of the table to the floor on all four sides. All skirting must be pressed and neat. Use of plastic tablecloths, sheets, shower curtains or any type of “makeshift” tablecloths is not permitted. We strictly enforce this and will skirt all incorrectly skirted tables at the exhibitor’s expense.
All inventory and personal items must be stored COMPLETELY OUT OF SIGHT. Your booth should look professional and inviting to the attendee. General Exposition Services is available to rent tables that will be properly skirted if needed for an additional charge. Storage options are available. Please ask your sales consultant about options and pricing.
Staffing Your Booth
All exhibitors are expected to be in their booths during all published show hours, as we do receive consumer complaints about un-manned displays. If you are in violation of this rule, your company may not be permitted to exhibit with us in the future. Working in the aisles or distributing brochures, etc. from any other area other than your booth is prohibited. All selling activity must take place inside your contracted space.
One verbal warning will be given if your company is in violation of this rule. A second written warning will be issued and if the problem is not addressed at that point Show Management reserves the right to remove your company from the show.
***TENTS, FLAGS AND CANOPIES ARE NOT ALLOWED*** This is considered a fire hazard. Exceptions will not be made.
Booth Guidelines
Exhibitors can build their booth to the maximum height of 8 feet. This includes back wall and sidewalls. If your display includes a sign attached to the back wall, you must get approval from show management and the following rules apply:
- Sign must be single sided; graphics, logos or print facing into another booth will not be allowed
- Professionally finished signage NO handwritten signs are permitted
Exhibit fixtures and components will be permitted to a maximum height of 8 feet on the back wall. If you are using side walls as part of your display they must be finished on BOTH sides. No exposed wires, frames, wood may be visible for the public or your neighbor to see. All display materials and electrical must meet the fire marshal regulations.
Show Management reserves the right to refuse entry or to have removed at the exhibitor’s expense any display which is not in accordance with these rules and regulations.
If you plan on having a vehicle in your booth as part of your display, please contact Show Management for approval and move-in instructions. All vehicles must be marked on the floorplan by show management for fire marshal approval ahead of the show.
- All vehicles must have a locking gas cap or gas cap sealed with tape and no more than 1 gallon of fuel in the vehicle.
- All RV, trailers, etc. must have a working smoke detector in place while in the building.
- A set of keys must be left with Show Management for the duration of the show.
- All vehicle batteries must be disconnected and have cables taped. Please contact Show Management to have this scheduled.
- All pressured fuel tanks must be drained.
- Fueling/refueling inside the building is prohibited.
MPE Exhibit/Product Acceptability Standards For 2024 (USA)
As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce. Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.
MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited. MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.
MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.
10. Charges will be assessed for extra labor provided to the event promoter or vendors.
NO open flames, fires, or burning of any kind will be permitted within the complex.
Use of microphones, audio equipment and musical instruments is permitted, however, sound levels must be kept at a volume that management deems reasonable. Violators will receive ONE WARNING. If there are more problems with volume levels, then Show Management reserves the right to prohibit the exhibitor from using sound equipment for the remainder of the show. You must be courteous to your neighboring exhibitors who are conducting business on the show floor.
Each exhibitor is responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use music, photographs or other copyrighted material in exhibitor’s booth or display. No exhibitor will be permitted to play, broadcast, perform any music or use any other copyrighted material, such as photographs or other artistic works, without first presenting to Marketplace Events proof that the exhibitor has, or does not need a license to use such music or copyrighted material. Marketplace Events reserves the right to remove from the exhibit all or any part of the booth or display that contains music, photographs and or copyrighted materials for which the exhibitor fails to produce proof that the exhibitor holds all the required licenses. The exhibitor shall remain reliable for all claims, causes of action, suits, damages, liability, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from or out of any violation of infringement (or claimed violation of infringement) by exhibitor, exhibitor’s age of employees of any patent, copyright or trade secret rights or privileges.
Your basic listing was uploaded to the website when you booked your booth. Within 24 hours you should have received an automated email to enhance your listing. This link can be used multiple times and you can make updates and changes to your listing until the last day of the show. If you did not receive the link, please email our digital support rep,
Need help with your listing? Read the FAQs.
Learn more about the benefits of creating your enhanced listing.
Go from basic to ENHANCED!
All exhibitors are required to have a Pennsylvania Sales License if they are directly selling on the show floor.
For help with obtaining proper licensing and documentation, please contact:
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Business Tax Department: 717-787-1064
License application site: Online Customer Support:
Share your show pics or your home reno projects with us.
Hashtags: #PAHomeAndGarden
In efforts to protect potential joint customers from fraudulent events and scammers, we request that you do not create your own Facebook Event. This helps us manage ticket sales for the event, and ensures that our team are available to support both
exhibitors and potential attendees with any questions, comments, or concerns that they have. Please feel free to reach out to your show manager or show marketing manager with your companies’ Facebook page and we can add you as a co-host to the
official event.
Click Here for the Social Media Marketing Kit
Each exhibitor will receive 20 complimentary e-tickets for each 100 square feet of space purchased, with a maximum allotment of 60 tickets. These will be emailed approximately three weeks prior to the show. Tickets will only be emailed if your booth space has been paid in full. Additional admission passes can be purchased at the discounted price of $7.00 each ($11 at the box office). Please contact Show Coordinator Maddie Rice at to order these discounted tickets.
If you are interested in a custom promo code you can provide to your customers for $3 off online tickets please reach out to Maddie Rice The promo code will be custom to your company and is a great way to promote your participation in the show!
COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SHOW. If complimentary tickets or badges are given to visitors, the exhibitor responsible will not be allowed to exhibit in future events and may be asked to leave the current show immediately. Use your tickets to invite potential customers to the show, or for friends and family.
Will Call will be set up at the Box Office, which will be utilized by consumers to pick up the tickets that have been reserved for them. Staff will be at Will Call at all times to hand out complimentary tickets for exhibitor family, friends, and prospects. Please leave your tickets in INDIVIDUALLY marked envelopes with FIRST AND LAST NAME on the front of the envelope at Will Call for your guests. Tickets will be filed by last name.
Marketing Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities and Booth Traffic Drivers - Get
some extra bang for your buck at the Philly Home + Garden Show! Work with us to get more people to your booth.
Exhibitor badges are NOT mailed out prior to the show. Badges can be picked up at Exhibitor Registration during movein and during show hours. Complimentary plastic badge holders are provided. Exhibitor badges are required to identify you as an authorized exhibitor. Exhibitors will not be allowed access to the show floor during show days without a badge.
Eight (8) exhibitor badges are provided for each 100 square feet of space purchased, with a maximum allotment of 24 badges per company.
- 100 – 200 Sq. Ft: 8 Badges
- 250 – 400 Sq. Ft: 16 Badges
- 450 Sq. Ft - & Up: 24 Badges
If you have different staff members working your booth on different days, you are encouraged to drop off your badge each night at Exhibitor Registration so that your company does not run out of badges during the show. **EXHIBITOR BADGES MUST NOT BE USED AS ADMISSION TICKETS AND CANNOT BE LEFT AT WILL CALL.
Hampton Inn Harrisburg-East
4230 Union Deposit Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111
$125 per night
Booking Link
Residence Inn Harrisburg North
2250 Kohn Road
Harrisburg, PA 17110
$129 per night
Booking Link
SpringHill Suites Harrisburg Hershey
15 Capital Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17110
$129 per night
Booking Link
Hampton Inn & Suites Harrisburg/North
30 Capital Dr
Harrisburg, PA 17110
$129 per night
Booking Link
Best Western Premier - The Central Hotel & Conference Center
800 E Park Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Show Management is insured against public liability and property damage claims arising out of the conduct of the show. This insurance does not cover exhibitors’ property, which is placed on display at the exhibitor’s risk. Every reasonable precaution will be taken to protect exhibitor property but please note that Show Management assumes no responsibility for any losses due to fire, theft, robbery, damage, accident, or other causes.
Marketplace Events has a recommended insurance provider that you can purchase an event policy with. You may always purchase coverage through any vendor of your choice; this is offered only as an option, familiar with our shows.
There have been a number of spam emails offering our attendee lists. These are scams and the senders are unauthorized to use the Marketplace Events’ name. These scammers are attempting to receive monies from exhibiting companies without providing anything in return. These emails are not approved by Marketplace Events, and Marketplace Events would never ask for bank information or other sensitive information over email.
CLICK HERE for more information.